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Effortlessly Deploy Lazarus RikAI with No Code: Empowering Automation Through ARGOS LABS


Sam Chiburis

Published on

March 14, 2024


In this blog post, we'll walk you through the simple process of building your first project using Lazarus RikAI and our partner ARGOS LABS, allowing you to extract and query a document in less than ten minutes.

ARGOS LABS low-code Python is a powerful automation platform that enables users to build custom projects and automate repetitive tasks with ease. Whether you're a seasoned developer or someone with little-to-no coding experience, ARGOS LABS low-code Python offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of creating, monitoring, and managing automation projects.

If you’re feeling limited or stuck by the RPA tools at your disposal, use ARGOS LABS with Lazarus RikAI as an IDP bypass for your current automation workflow. Everything is free to download, to sign-up, and to start using, so you can trial ARGOS + RikAI alongside, or even integrated with, your current automation routines at no cost! Together, ARGOS + RikAI extend your low-code Python capabilities, providing an end-to-end solution that can replace heavier and less flexible IDP and RPA platforms entirely. By making the switch, you can break out of expensive and restrictive automation marketplaces, save money, and unlock the full potential of your automation initiatives. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Sign up for free Lazarus Forms and ARGOS LABS Supervisor accounts, no credit card required:



Step 2: Install and launch the ARGOS LABS automation environment

Once you're ready to begin, download and install the ARGOS LABS STU (Studio) and PAM software on your machine. The free software is packaged with .exe installation wizards that you need only extract and run.


Step 3: Obtain your Lazarus Authorization Credentials from the Settings Page

Navigate to www.dashboard.lazarusforms.com and log in using your new account. Read and (if you agree) accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Navigate to the API Page by using the menu on the left to note your concealed orgID and authKey for later use.

Step 4: Create a New Automation Project

Upon launching the ARGOS LABS STU, you'll be presented with a clean automation scenario. Provide a meaningful name for your project like “Lazarus Test”. ARGOS LABS STU utilizes a visual workflow designer that allows you to create automation processes by dragging and dropping elements onto the central canvas. To start building your project, simply drag and drop applications from the operations window to your central blank queue. We’ll get started by dragging in the Lazarus RikAI operation from the Plugins-AI Solutions subsection.

Step 5: Configure Actions and Parameters

With the workflow design in place, configure your RikAI action by specifying the required parameters. In this instance, we’ll need to use the Lazarus RikAI Plugin panel to:

  • Set a liberal Timeout period of 10 seconds to allow for multiple queries
  • Enter our Organization's ID and Auth Key from Step 3
  • Specify the location of the document to be read eg. C:\Users\YourName\Documents\AFolderName
  • Individually List the questions to be asked of the document in the “Questions” field
  • Select the desired type of output in the Return Value section. Here, we are requesting the creation of a CSV file (Result Type: File) in the same directory as our documents and naming it “lazarus_test_outputs.csv”, make sure that you specify the entire file path, (File: “C:\yourfilepath\lazarus_test_outputs.csv”).
    Note that the named file does not have to exist; if the file is missing, a new file can be created with your results at runtime

Step 6: Deploy and Execute the Project

Once you are satisfied with your project, it's time to deploy and execute it. ARGOS LABS low-code Python offers a number deployment options, including running the project locally or publishing it to a designated server or cloud environment. Here we’ll test the deployment locally by using the “test run” option under the run tab of the user menu bar (at the top of your screen).

Step 7: Register your ARGOS LABS PAM

Upon your first test run, a popup will appear from ARGOS LABS, asking you to register your PAM. Follow the steps provided by entering the email you used for account creation to name and register your PAM.

Step 8: Monitor and Optimize

As your project runs, monitor its performance and outcomes. Keep an eye on any error logs or notifications provided by ARGOS LABS STU and make adjustments as needed. Continuously optimize your project by refining workflows, enhancing logic, or incorporating feedback from stakeholders.


ARGOS LABS empowers individuals and teams to build automation projects effortlessly, regardless of their coding expertise. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can confidently create your first IDP project with ARGOS LABS STU and Lazarus RikAI. Leverage its user-friendly interface, visual workflow designer, and robust automation capabilities to streamline your tasks, save time, and unlock new levels of productivity.

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